Part 93: 12/02/09: Under A Revealing Moon

So, we've finally made it. The first full moon after we accidentally helped Ikutsuki with his evil plan, by killing all 12 Arcana Shadows. There's probably not much gonna happen today, but we'll see.

Ryoji's not around again today, and as soon as the bell rang, Aigis just legged it outta here. Curious, that.

Since I was gonna take a quick trip to the Velvet Room, I opted to sell some of the older tat we had lying around and... apparently I had 2 Luxury Coins from Harabah. Not really worth a ton, relative to our compendium, but its a nice amount if you're on Normal like a sensible person.

While in the Velvet Room, I took the chance to make Melchizedek. At level 64, he picks up Akasha Arts (giving it to us at the earliest possible level). As you may recall, The Hanged Man had this before. It's a multi-target Strike attack that hits every enemy 1-2 times with a base power of 350 for each hit, with a crit rate of 5%... but its accuracy is only 80%. Yeesh.
Melchizedek DOES learn one skill after this... at level 69. Yeah. Not worth the hassle, really, even though its gating off a Heart Item. He would learn Repel Dark at 65, but its super easy to fuse onto him so I've already done that.

But, we were there to pick up something to help with Yukari, because getting her to rank up again now is a bit of a pain.

Even with the Arcana Boost here, she's still not even close to the next rank.
...Also I mathed it out and today was straight up our last chance to hang out with Yukari before she reversed. Cut that one close...

Despite how we've got the opportunity to talk to folks, only Fuuka has something new to say at all. Not even the TV has anything worth caring about! So, that's all we've got today. Just another day after all.


100% just watch this instead it covers the rest of the update

I'm really not sure how Aigis even remotely came to this conclusion this quickly.

no seriously just watch the video instead

In her infinite wisdom, as we enter the animezone, Aigis kicks off her solo battle against Ryoji by activating Orgia Mode.

Mostly because I guess it helps her get mad air...

Y'know, in hindsight I probably should've been adding subtitles to the anime scenes from the start.

We even get this rad shot of the moon being replacing Ryoji's iris...

And cue grainy flashback scenes!

Obviously, he's referring to the Arcana Shadows here, not the actual Major Arcana.

This is still part of the flashback, and its Aigis attempting to gun down the shadowy... Shadow.

Aigis landing in front of Ryoji here, after her Dramatic Leap before, is the official signal that we're back in the present.

Unfortunately for Aigis, Palladion seems to be incredibly ineffective here. She really should've cast Tarukaja and not used Orgia Mode!

Aigis' brilliant plan of "keep hitting the inpenetrable barrier" sure doesn't seem to be working.

Instead, all it does is stall her until Orgia Mode wears off and Palladion just disappears!

To make matters worse, the sheer exertion she put herself through in the interim requires a bit more than a minor cool down. She's actively falling apart!

From Ryoji...

To a young Makoto...

To Death.

Meanwhile, somewhere else entirely...

Just in case there was somehow any doubt about it, this confirms that Aigis and Ryoji just battled on the same bridge we fought Strega and The Hanged Man.

Quick scene transition straight to the bridge...

Odd that Aigis opts to play the pronoun game for once. At least she instantly makes it clear she means Makoto by pointing right in his direction.

> Aigis doesn't seem to be functioning properly.

Akihiko's the only one to move right now, and he tries to approach Ryoji only to get stopped by Mitsuru.

There's a little bit more to this story, that we'll cover later. Much, much later.

> Ryoji is unconscious...

> Ryoji lived inside you for ten years, waiting to make contact with the 12 Shadows...

This was kiiiinda foreshadowed mostly by the sequence of events. Pharos disappeared because all the Arcana Shadows were defeated, and Ryoji appeared a few days later. Its worth noting that in the most technical sense, Ryoji's character design and voice actor is meant to be a clue as well but neither of those are particularly reliable. Especially in the English release.
> So many questions remain unanswered. However, Ryoji is unconscious...